Photo Gallery
The Bud Lincoln Orchestra (also known as the Brunswick Dance Orchestra), Philadelphia, PA - 1921 (Picture 1 of 2)
Personnel L to R: Bugs Boganoff, drums; John "Fat" Dibert, banjo; Frank Whitman, piano; Abe Lincoln, trombone; Bud Lincoln, trumpet; Sammy Dibert, sax
The Bud Lincoln Orchestra (also known as the Brunswick Dance Orchestra), Philadelphia, PA - 1921 (Picture 2 of 2)
Personnel L to R: Bugs Boganoff, drums; Frank Whitman, piano; John "Fat" Dibert, banjo; Bud Lincoln, trumpet; Sammy Dibert, sax; Abe Lincoln, trombone
The NBC Orchestra under the direction of Sigmund Romberg
(Abe Lincoln in back row, fourth from left)
Aside from being a world class trombonist, Abe had a reputation for his unpredictable sense of humor. In the following photo, Abe is playing his horn while resting its slide on the floor. In order to do this, Abe would stand up as shown, rest the slide on the floor, then bob up and down to place the slide in the correct position(s) to play.
Abe's horn in the above photo is a New York Bach Stradivarius 12 bell mated to a Bach 16 slide, manufactured September 23rd, 1938.
Below is a more recent photo of this horn, along with the above pictured Harmon Mute and mouthpiece. Many thanks go out to Terry Priest of Hillje Music Center in San Antonio, TX for his masterful, restorative work on this historic instrument.
I also extent my gratitude to Terry's dad, the late Arnold Priest for his earlier restorative work on Abe's horn. Arnold was truly an artist and his skill with brass instruments was legendary. His son, Terry, continues that tradition to this day.
Abe was a virtuoso of the "wah-wah" Harmon mute and was known for his being able to make the horn "talk." Abe was frequently called upon to use the Harmon mute on everything from Pat Buttram's radio program to Woody Woodpecker cartoons. In fact, Abe would frequently refer to his Harmon mute as his "money maker" mute.
Abe was also a skilled craftsman and was very adept at restoring vintage wall clocks and grandfather clocks. He would frequently apply these skills to modifying mouthpieces to suit him. Here's Abe's 1930's-vintage New York Bach 12 mouthpiece that Abe modified by turning down the shank in order to permit it to fit further into the horn; thus, getting a brighter sound. This particular model of Bach mouthpiece was listed in the 1938 Bach catalog as "An all-around mouthpiece. For theater and concert work."
The following photo was taken at the home of Frank Worth* during a jam session with members of his orchestra.
Personnel L to R: Paul Teonnings, bass: George Werth (Frank's brother), trumpet; Benny Gill; Unidentified drummer; "Pappy" Graham; Benny Cantor, clarinet (later owned Baxter Northup Music Co. in Sherman Oaks, CA); Abe Lincoln, trombone; Don Ferris, piano
*During the 1930's, Frank Worth, born in Hungary, changed his last name to "Werth." Many thanks go to Frank Worth's son, Franz, and to Abe Lincoln's son, A.J. Lincoln for providing additional information regarding this photo. For many years, the Blue Angel Jazz Club of Pasadena hosted annual jazz parties. The sessions were recorded and subsequently released as albums available via mail order. The photo below was taken in 1968 during one of these sessions. Abe was a special guest artist at the
Sacramento Traditional Jazz Society's 1976 Sacramento Jazz Jubilee.
Here, Abe is center stage leading a trombone extravaganza comprised of just
about every trombonist performing at the festival. Due to the notoriety Abe received as a
result of his work with the Rampart Street Paraders, Abe received a
nomination for the 1958 annual Playboy All-Star Jazz Poll, presented below
by Maxwell Emmett "Pat" Buttram. L. to R. - Frank Worth, Pat Buttram, Abram
"Abe" Lincoln The following photos have been provided
courtesy of the Ray Avery Estate. The webmaster and the Abram Lincoln
would like to extend a most heartfelt thanks to Ms. Cynthia Sesso, Licensing Administrator
of the Ray Avery Photo Archives. Please note that these photos remain
the property of the Ray Avery Estate and are used here with permission.
Any inquiries regarding their use, commercial or otherwise, should be
directed to: Cynthia Sesso at
Below, are photos taken during an appearance of the Rampart Street Paraders on the July 30th, 1956 broadcast of the Stars Of Jazz television
show on KABC-TV (Los Angeles), hosted by Bobby Troup.
Personnel (L. to R.) - Abram
"Abe" Lincoln, tbn; Clyde Hurley, tpt; Phil Stephens, bass; Matty
Matlock, clarinet; Eddie Miller, tenor sax; Stan Wrightsman, piano; Nick
Fatool, drums (not pictured - George Van Eps, guitar)
Personnel (L. to R.) - Same as above
Personnel L. to R. - Stan Wrightsman, piano (head above cymbal); Abram "Abe"
Lincoln, trombone; Matty Matlock, clarinet
The following photos (taken at various venues as noted) are also part of the Ray
Avery collection.
Ojai Jazz Festival, September 23, 1977 - Personnel L. to R. - Eddie Miller, tenor sax; Abe
Most, clarinet; Nick Fatool, drums; Johnny Best, trumpet; Abram "Abe" Lincoln, tbn
Jazz Forum "Tribute to Matty Matlock" 1978 - Personnel L. to R. - unknown (off camera), bass; Abram "Abe" Lincoln, tbn; "Wild" Bill
Davison, cornet; George Van Eps (?), guitar; Abe Most, clarinet Bill Bailey's Club - Encino, CA 1966 The photos that follow are provided
courtesy of Capitol Records/EMI Photo Archives. Please note that these photos remain the exclusive property of
Capitol/EMI Music Group and are used here with permission. Any
questions regarding their use, both commercial or otherwise, should be
directed to Xilonen Oreshnick at
Capitol/EMI. Both the webmaster and
the Abram Lincoln Estate would like to extend to Xilonen Oreshnick and Jake
Jacobs at EMI Music Group,
Ltd. a most heartfelt and sincere thanks for making
photos from this historic recording session available to us. These photos were taken during a
recording session on the stage of "Studio A" at Capitol Records' 5515 Melrose
Ave. studios, October 18-19, 1955. This recording session resulted in
the release of the now-historic album, Coast Concert. To the best of
the webmaster's knowledge, this is the only time Abe and Jack Teagarden ever
recorded together. UPDATE
It has just come to the attention of the webmaster that Abe and Jack did
perform again together 9 months later, July 30th, 1956, on a KABC-TV
broadcast of the Stars Of Jazz television show, hosted by Bobby Troup.
In addition to the Rampart Street Paraders, Jack Teagarden was also a guest
on this broadcast.
Click here to navigate to the video page to see an excerpt of this
L. to R. - Abram "Abe"
Lincoln; Jack Teagarden
L. to R. - Joseph Hilton
"Nappy" Lamare, acoustic guitar; Nick Fatool, drums; Bobby Hackett, cornet;
Abram "Abe" Lincoln, trombone; Phil Stephens, bass (partially hidden behind
Abe); Jack Teagarden, trombone
The above photograph shows Abe
playing Harmon mute fills behind Jack Teagarden's vocal on St. James
Infirmary. This cut was rejected for inclusion in the vinyl release of
Coast Concert; however, it was included in
Mosaic Records' limited
edition, The Complete
Capitol Fifties Jack Teagarden Collection. Abe was noted for his
expertise with the Harmon mute.
This is the same mute depicted
in the photo above. Many thanks go out to renown jazz drummer
Hal Smith for providing the following photo, taken at the
Huddle in
Pasadena, CA; most likely in 1966 or 1967.
The image below is an advertisement for Ace Brigode and His 14
Virginians that appeared on page 69 of Variety on Wednesday, October 1,
1924. Abe was only 17 years old at the time. The following comments about Abe are excerpted from the
above advertisement: